Marcel Bischoff
- Marcel Bischoff:
A remark about the anomalies of cyclic holomorphic permutation orbifolds,
International Journal of Mathematics,
pp. 2050080. DOI: 10.1142/S0129167X20500809
[arXiv:1812.11910 [math-ph]] [Journal Link] - Marcel Bischoff, Alexei Davydov:
Hopf algebra actions in tensor categories, Transformation Groups (2020). DOI: 10.1007/s00031-020-09560-w
[Journal Link] [arXiv:1811.10528 [math.QA]] - Marcel Bischoff, Corey Jones, Yuan-Ming Lu, David Penneys:
Spontaneous symmetry breaking from anyon condensation.
Journal of High Energy Physics (2019) 2019:62. DOI: 10.1007/JHEP02(2019)062M
[Journal Link (open access)] [arXiv:1811.00434 [math.QA]] [MathSciNet:MR3933137] - Marcel Bischoff: Generalized Orbifold Construction for Conformal Nets. Reviews in Mathematical Physics
Vol. 29, No. 1 (2017) 1750002 (53 pages).
DOI: 10.1142/S0129055X17500027
[Journal link] [arXiv:1608.00253 [math-ph]] [MathSciNet:MR3595480] [zbMATH:ZBl 06680086] - Marcel Bischoff: A Remark on CFT Realization of Quantum Doubles of Subfactors: Case Index < 4, Letters in Mathematical Physics,
March 2016, Volume 106, Issue 3, pp 341-363.
DOI: 10.1007/s11005-016-0816-z
[Journal Link] [arXiv:1506.02606 [math-ph]] [MathSciNet:MR3462031] [zbMATH:ZBl 1333.81364] - Marcel Bischoff, Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, Roberto Longo, Karl-Henning Rehren: Phase boundaries in algebraic conformal QFT, Communications in Mathematical Physics, February 2016, Volume 342, Issue 1, pp 1-45.
DOI: 10.1007/s00220-015-2560-0
[Journal link] [arXiv:1405.7863 [math-ph]] [MathSciNet:MR3455144] [zbMATH:ZBl 1355.81101] - Marcel Bischoff, Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, Roberto Longo: Characterization of 2D rational local conformal nets and its boundary conditions: the maximal case, Documenta Math. 20 (2015) 1137--1184
[Journal Link (open access)] [arXiv:1410.8848 [math-ph]] [MathSciNet:MR3424476] [zbMATH:ZBl 1337.81103] - Marcel Bischoff, Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, Roberto Longo, Karl-Henning Rehren: Tensor categories of endomorphisms of von Neumann algebras (with applications to Quantum Field Theory), to appear as a book in Springer Briefs in Mathematical Physics, Vol 3. ISBN 978-3-319-14300-2, 2015.
[Journal Link] [arXiv:1407.4793 [math.OA]] [MathSciNet:MR3308880] [zbMATH:ZBl 06398995] - Marcel Bischoff, Yoh Tanimoto: Integrable QFT and Longo-Witten endomorphisms, Annales Henri Poincaré. February 2015, Volume 16, Issue 2, pp 569-608. DOI: 10.1007/s00023-014-0337-1
[Journal link (open access)] [Erratum (open access)] [arXiv:1305.2171 [math-ph]] [MathSciNet:MR3302606] [zbMATH:ZBl 1317.81192] - Marcel Bischoff, Yoh Tanimoto: Construction of wedge-local nets of observables through Longo-Witten endomorphisms. II
Commun. Math. Phys. 317 (3), 2013 p. 667-695, DOI: 10.1007/s00220-012-1593-x
[Journal link (open access)] [arXiv:1111.1671 [math-ph]] [MathSciNet:MR3009721] [zbMATH:ZBl 1260:81215] - Marcel Bischoff:
Models in Boundary Quantum Field Theory Associated with Lattices and Loop Group Models,
Commun. Math. Phys. 315 (3), 2012 p. 827-858, DOI: 10.1007/s00220-012-1511-2
[Journal link] [arXiv:1108.4889 [math-ph]] [MathSciNet:MR2981815] [zbMATH:ZBl 1256.81078] - Marcel Bischoff, Daniel Meise, Karl-Henning Rehren, Ingo Wagner: Conformal quantum field theory in various dimensions,
Bulg. J. Phys.
36 (2009).
[Journal Link (open access)] [arXiv:0908.3391 [math-ph]] [LQP] [MathSciNet:MR2640829] [zbMATH:ZBl 1202.81189]
- Marcel Bischoff, Ian Charlesworth, Samuel Evington, Luca Giorgetti, David Penneys: Distortion for multifactor bimodules and representations of multifusion categories, [arXiv:2010.01067 [math.OA]]
- Marcel Bischoff, Simone Del Vecchio, Luca Giorgetti: Compact Hypergroups from Discrete Subfactors, [arXiv:2007.12384 [math.OA]]
- Marcel Bischoff, Corey Jones: Computing fusion rules for spherical G-extensions of fusion categories, [arXiv:1909.02816 [math.QA]]
- Marcel Bischoff: Conformal Net Realizability of Tambara-Yamagami Categories and Generalized Metaplectic Modular Categories.
[arXiv:1803.04949 [math.QA]]
- Marcel Bischoff (joint with Simone Del Vecchio and Luca Giorgetti):
Quantum Operations on Conformal Nets,
Oberwolfach Reports,
Subfactors and Conformal Field Theory, Organised by
Dietmar Bisch, Terry J. Gannon, Vaughan F. R. Jones and Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, to apear.
DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2019/49.
[Preliminary Version] [Journal Link] - Marcel Bischoff: The rank of G-crossed braided extensions of modular tensor categories,
Topological Phases of Matter and Quantum Computation, Contemporary Mathematics 747, 115.
[arxiv:1807.06131 [math.QA]] - Marcel Bischoff, Karl-Henning Rehren: The Hypergroupoid Of Boundary Conditions for Local Quantum Observables, Operator algebras and mathematical physics, Adv. Stud. Pure Math. 80 (2019) 23-42.
[Journal Link] [arXiv:1612.02972 [math-ph]] [MathSciNet:MR3966581] [zbMATH:ZBl 07116420] - Marcel Bischoff: The Relation between Subfactors arising from Conformal Nets and the Realization of Quantum Doubles,
Proc. Centre Math. Appl.,
Proceedings of the 2014 Maui and 2015 Qinhuangdao Conferences in Honour of Vaughan F.R. Jones’ 60th Birthday. Scott Morrison and David Pennys, eds. Proceedings of the Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, v. 46. (Canberra AUS: Centre for Mathematics and its Applications, Mathematical Sciences Institute, The Australian National University, 2017), 15 - 24
[Journal Link (open access)] [arXiv:1511.08931 [math-ph]] - Marcel Bischoff (joint with Yasuyuki Kawahigashi, Roberto Longo,
Karl-Henning Rehren):
An Algebraic Conformal Quantum Field Theory Approach to Defects,
p. 906-908. In:
Oberwolfach Reports,
Subfactors and Conformal Field Theory, Organised by
Dietmar Bisch, Terry J. Gannon, Vaughan F. R. Jones and Yasuyuki Kawahigashi,
Volume 12, Issue 2, 2015, pp. 849–926.
DOI: 10.4171/OWR/2015/16.
[Journal Link]
- PhD Thesis (Mathematics): Construction Of Models In Low-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory Using Operator Algebraic Methods, University of Rome Tor Vergata, September 2012
[pdf] - Diploma Thesis (Physics): Über die Polstruktur höherer Korrelationsfunktionen in global konform-invarianter Quantenfeldtheorie (in German), University of Göttingen 2009
Last update: 2020-10-10 20:32:51.